Thursday, 24 August 2017

Shining a light on road safety

Now like most people I'm all for being safe on the roads, after-all I do have family whom I worry about, not to mention myself, I happen to be very important to me, even if to no one else.
I'm all for things like seat belts, air bags and crumple zones in cars, especially in view of the amount of idiots that seem to inhabit our highways and byways these days.

Though I must be honest I don't like being forced to wear a seat belt by law, (I'm not a complete moron though I will concede there are a lot of them out there.) and I think as adults we should be allowed to decide for ourselves when and if we need to buckle up.

The same goes for helmets on motorcycles I have always worn a helmet and always will its stupid not to if riding any distance, but I would still like to be allowed the freedom of choice, we're talking civil liberties here! in my opinion, and thankfully I'm still entitled to that, we are far to over-governed and controlled, but that is beside the point as regards this post.

Back to the issue at hand and the point I want to raise is super-bright headlights, is it just me? or do other people think like myself, that far from being an aid to road safety these super-brights are a positive bloody menace, I can't believe that I'm the only person on the road to have been dazzled by oncoming traffic fitted with these damn things, (surely other people must have suffered from them as well?) the amount of times I have been near blinded by them is unreal, and that's just when they're dipped, if the car coming towards you, happens to have mal-adjusted headlights or god forbid is using main beam you've got no bloody chance they'll melt your bloody eye balls. And it's just as bad being hit with them from behind through your mirrors the same results apply.

Plus I firmly believe they encourage  the idiots out there  among us to drive faster because they can see farther ahead.

I think there's a lot of truth in risk compensation theory, you know the safer someone feels the more they throw caution to the wind, (for that read the more idiotic they behave). I'm pretty sure if every vehicle produced was fitted with a 12inch spike set to shoot up through the seat in the event of an accident people would drive a lot slower and with a lot more care, a ridiculous notion I know but a pretty safe analogy non the less, though there's probably some out there that would enjoy the idea of a 12inch spike being shot up their arse, some people after all can be very strange.

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