Is it just me or are people getting thicker? And no I am not asking are they putting on weight, I'm asking are they becoming more and more stupid, by the day it would sometimes seem.
The reason I ask is that I have never classed myself as being particularly intelligent, I'd have said I was average at best in the brain department, but some of the people I've met of late, the younger ones in particular, make me look like bloody Einstein, so much so in fact I'm anticipating the arrival of a Nobel prize nomination any day now.
I mean when the powers that be have to put notices on cartons of eggs warning that the contents may contain egg, you do start to wonder! Are people really so stupid they can't work that out for themselves. It would seem so.
Then there's the peanut packet that states ingredients 100% peanuts and underneath that, allergy advice may contain peanuts, I mean come on! surely things like that shouldn't need stating.
Then there are the youngsters who can't do simple maths without the aid of calculators, we're not talking long division or algebra here, we're talking simple adding and subtracting.
All I can say is it's a good job we switched to metric back in 71, (you know multiples of ten). At least with that, if they find themselves in dire need they can always use their fingers and toes, assuming of course they haven't lost any in accidents.
I can see it now, young Jimmy and his best mate Steve with their first prospective employer Mr Jones. I think we'll start you off in accounts boys how is your maths? Well I can only do multiples of nine says Jimmy on account of I lost a finger when I got it stuck up my nose while I was daydreaming in class, yea says Steve, that goes for me to, only I can only do multiples of eight cause I lost a thumb as well while I was sitting there with it stuck up my arse and my brain in neutral.
What is causing such a reduction in intellect? Is it some thing in the water, is it all the micro waves flying round, if that's the case shouldn't the government be doing something to remedy the situation? Protective head gear maybe, come to think of it that's not a bad idea.
Now where's that bit of lead left over from when we had the roof done, I must make myself a hat, you know just in case.
Oh and for those who are wondering where the price of fish in the title comes in, well for those who don't know fish used to be considered brain food, may be it still is I don't know but in my case it would explain a lot, because I was never a fish lover.
This is awesome. You made me laugh!