Saturday, 2 September 2017


Greetings one and all.

 Today's rant is on a somewhat lighter note than some of my previous missives, to day I wish to talk about what I like to call mumbleese, yes you read it correctly mumble-ese! No such word I here you say! well no there isn't, at least not at the moment, but I am hoping to have it added to the oxford English dictionary soon.

The entry would read thus:- MUMBLESE a form of communication sometimes used by the youth of today, who for one reason or another cannot enunciate properly, or who find it impossible to talk (for reasons unbeknown) in more than a whisper, also applies to those youth who talk in riddles and or text speak. May also apply to those of any age who speak to quickly or in strange dialects.

Until quite recently I thought this was an invention of my granddaughters, whom I have to say I quite often have difficulty understanding, many's the time I have had to ask my wife to translate, however as she seems to have little difficulty understanding what is being said, I was forced to the conclusion that my hearing is going and while this may be the case, it is definitely not the problem.

Why do I say this? because dear friends after talking about this problem with other parents/grandparents it would appear I am not the only sufferer, no apparently the problem is rife and it affects a large proportion of the youth of today.

Did our children plan this? Is it a definite ploy of theirs to exclude us? What are they planning? Think of it a whole new language of their own, "the ramifications" (look it up, I had to, and I still don't know what it means). But wait I'm babbling you see what this has done to me already, you must understand what this may lead to, what may happen, there's already a distinct lack of communication between us, if men and women are from different planets, (men from mars-women from venus) then adults and kids are from different universes, this may lead to a complete breakdown in understanding, it could lead to interstellar war.

So in order to alleviate the problem, I wish to appeal to all the youngsters out there.
Even if only to humour us and make us feel included.

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