Greetings one and all or maybe just one, and welcome to another rant.
Today I would like to start by posing the question, (as per the title of this post).
Now I'm not talking about nuclear Armageddon here, though with all the rumblings going on between North Korea and the U.S. that could be a distinct possibility, once again all down to governments and politicians, speaking of which what is the world coming to when a country the size of America can only come up with someone like Clinton and Trump as candidates for the presidency.
Lets face it Donald J Trump is to diplomacy what Margaret Thatcher was to unionism, perhaps where diplomacy is concerned the J should be omitted and an F substituted, the F standing of course for f**K-UP, though as a Brit maybe I should keep my gob shut, after all the best we came up with was May and Corbyn.
I must ask again what is the world coming to? When someone like Jeremy Corbyn can become a politician, it appears to me that the man is a total and utter prick. Here's a great idea for politics, lock Trump and Corbyn in a padded cell together and see which of them comes up with a fully functioning brain cell first, the winner gets to be in charge of the other, but whatever happens don't let either of them out, with those two on the loose the results may be disastrous.
But I have digressed somewhat here, my intention in posing the question was not to discus politics and dubious politicians,(that will keep for another day), but rather to discuss society, so the question should I suppose, be. Is Society Going To Hell In a Hand basket ?
The reason I ask this is that people don't seem to have any consideration for anyone but themselves these days, most peoples attitude seems to be "stuff you I'm alright", Common Decency, Politeness, Manners, Respect, all these it seems are more and more becoming a thing of the past. And that's not to mention the amount of crime of all kinds, which seems to be increasing on a daily basis, so much so in fact that I long ago gave up watching the news and reading the papers. Nothing but doom and gloom.
As an example of lack of consideration, just this week alone there have been half a dozen incidences or more, where I have done something for someone, only small things granted, like holding the lift for someone when I visited the hospital, holding open the door to a shop for a young woman with a pram, letting a number of cars out at junctions etc, etc, all these things were unbidden I will admit, but still none the less, common courtesy would dictate some acknowledgement, but did I receive any? sad to say I did not, would it have hurt these people to have raised a hand, to nod or god forbid utter an actual thank you, I don't think so, so why did they not acknowledge? was it laziness, indifference or just plain ignorance, I don't know, but I do know it is all to indicative of the world today.
Take for another example the two women, (I say women because they certainly don't warrant the term ladies) that I was unfortunate enough to meet in the super market the other day, they were stopped in one of the isles having a right old chinwag with each other, no harm in that I hear you say, and I would agree, that is if it weren't for the fact that they were completely blocking the way through with their shopping trolleys, did they move them when they saw me approach? no of course they didn't! and when I said excuse me, after waiting to get past, instead of apologising and moving out of the way as you would expect, they both proceeded to give me a dirty look because I had had the temerity to interrupt their conversation, and only after that did they condone to move their trolleys out of the way, (with very ill grace I may add) and to add insult to injury as I walked away I heard them mutter to each other that some people are so ignorant.
COME ON, talk about incredulity! I was speechless, which I suppose was just as well because to try and correct people like this is a total waste of time, they will never admit that they are in the wrong, it's always the other person who is wrong never them, they are so good and righteous that the sun shines out of their frigging arse, and everyone should be grateful for it, when in actual fact they are totally pig ignorant, were they never taught right from wrong? were they never taught to have any thought for anyone but themselves? Self first, Self last and if there's any over Self again seems to be their mantra, and what's more there's way to many of them, and their numbers it would seem are increasing daily.
This all seems very negative I know, and there are those out there who think I am a very negative person, in short a pessimist, (even my best mate says I am a glass is half empty type) but if I am it's because I've been made that way by people, you can only be let down or shit on so many times before it has a detrimental effect. As for myself I would say I am a realist, and I know there are a lot of good people out there, but it has long been my assertion that the good ones are way outnumbered by the bad these days, or at best by the totally indifferent.
Then again maybe its just me having to high an expectation of people, but I can't help that because I was brought up to have manners and to show consideration to others, and therefore I had hoped that others would show me the same courtesy, my old ma used to say! would you like it done to you? If not, then don't do it to others, treat people the same way you would like to be treated. It's a shame more people don't take that into consideration. I can't help but feel that the world would be a far nicer place if they did.
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